Jesus was once asked, "What is the greatest command?"
He answered without hesitation that it is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
First Baptist Church
Our mission:
With all we are...loving God and loving people through Christ
Jesus was once asked, "What is the greatest command?"
He answered without hesitation that it is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Young Adults- Ladies Community Group
Open to college and post-college age ladies who are seeking to go deeper in their faith and find community. Mondays 7:00PM Feb. 3rd - May 5th. To receive details please sign up using the link below. For more information Annika 307-413-1288 or Lauren 509-540-5155. Sign up HERE
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Awana - Children's Program
No awana on Feb 17, 2025. Awana is our children's program that helps children learn scripture while having a great time with their friends. It is open to children 3 years of age through 5th grade. The program starts at 5:45pm and runs until 7:30 pm.
Awana is growing by leaps! Join the fun!
Register your child for Awana by clicking HERE.
Awana is our children's program that helps children learn scripture while having a great time with their friends. It is open to children 3 years of age through 5th grade. The program starts at 5:45pm and runs until 7:30 pm.
Men's Snowmobile Trip
Here comes the best weekend of the year! February 21-23
Old Faithful Christian Ranch. For more details and to sign up, call or text Richard Largey at (508) 742-5724. There is a price change since Last year. If you need a scholarship, please let richard know because we want you to go!
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Middle School youth group meets at gateway church in partnership with First B 6-8pm.
High school youth group Called Ascent is on Thursdays at 6:30pm at Canvas unlimited's offices. This is a community wide event to unite our teenagers in a mission to reach their school.
Please text Pastor Mike if you would like to be added to his text Chain. His number is (307) 690-4090.
High school youth group is starting up on Thursdays at 6:30pm at Tribe Church's community center at 1200 S. Highway 89 (across from Whole Grocer). This is a community wide event to unite our teenagers in a mission to reach their school.
Junior High youth group meets at 3pm at First Baptist Church on Sundays.
Please text Pastor Mike if you would like to be added to his text groups to receive youth information. Some of our events change times and locations at the last minute. His number is (307) 690-4090.
You can sign up students by clicking HERE.
Women's Community Study
The study will continue on January 8th over at Gateway from 10am-12. Not at First B. More details are to come. WWW.JHWOMENSBIBLESTUDY.COM.
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Sunday School
meets during the 9am service in the classrooms downstairs. Students are released to go down after the first few songs of the service.
Nursery is 6 months - 4 years old
Sunday School is k-12
And there is an adult sunday school class in the Fellowship hall during the 9am service. There are signs on the walls to direct you! Feel free to Call the church office if you have questions.
Children's church is meeting at 9:30am during the 9am service in the classrooms downstairs. Children age 2 years-5th grade are welcome! We hope you'll join us.
Men's Weekly lunch study
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Jackson Hole Men's Alliance
Join us every first Wednesday morning of the month for a 6:30am breakfast and men's fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. Breakfast is free and open to the public!
Starting on Thursday, January 11th at 11:50am, the men are invited to a lunch gathering and study in the Fellowship Hall of First Baptist Church. Bring your own lunch and let's meet together during our lunch breaks!
Join us every first Wednesday morning of the month for a 6:30am breakfast and men's fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. Breakfast is free and open to the public!
Sister's saved by grace
Join us on Thursday nights from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the Fellowship Hall for a study on creation! All women are invited to attend! Call Diane Gieck in the church office at (307) 733-3706.
Women’s Fellowship Fall Study of the Book of Daniel is going strong! Join us on Thursday nights from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. All women are invited to attend! Call Nancy Baxter for more information at (918) 688-1852.
Precept Study
The Precept study meets at 9am in the Fellowship Hall on Thursdays. This is an in depth Bible study that is going verse by verse through the book of Isaiah. Study materials need to be ordered ahead of time if possible. To order your materials, contact Heidi Grosch at (307) 203-0764.. This study is open to men and women.
This study is on pause until January 2024
The Precept study meets at 9am in the Fellowship Hall on Thursdays. This is an in depth Bible study that is going verse by verse through the book of Isaiah. Study materials need to be ordered ahead of time if possible. To order your materials, contact Heidi Grosch at (307) 203-0764.. This study is open to men and women.
Church wide bible reading emails
The whole church (and beyond) is invited to join the daily Bible study email list. These emails are produced from within the church, include a person note about the author, Bible passage for the day, and takeaways. You can sign up for the emails by clicking HERE. If you have questions about the program or would like to volunteer to write, please contact Brad Yates at
The whole church (and beyond) is invited to join the daily Bible study email list. These emails are produced from within the church, include a person note about the author, Bible passage for the day, and takeaways. You can sign up for the emails by clicking HERE. If you have questions about the program or would like to volunteer to write, please contact Brad Yates at
Prayer Group
Join us every Wednesday morning in the church office or Fellowship Hall as we lift up our prayers to the Lord! 7:30am - 10am or so.
Join us every Wednesday morning in the church office or Fellowship Hall as we lift up our prayers to the Lord! 7:30am - 10am or so.
Small groups
We have a variety of small groups that meet throughout the town! They are listed on the bulletin board as you enter the church or you can contact the church office at (307) 733-3706 and maybe we can get you linked to a study!
We have a variety of small groups that meet throughout the town! They are listed on the bulletin board as you enter the church or you can contact the church office at (307) 733-3706 and maybe we can get you linked to a study!
Weekly Email Bulletin
Sign up to receive our weekly emails. We try to only send you one a week to let you stay connected with First Baptist. Click HERE to sign up!
Sign up to receive our weekly emails. We try to only send you one a week to let you stay connected with First Baptist. Click HERE to sign up!
Connect Hour
Each week between services we invite you to stick around and make some friends. From 10am to 11am on Sundays the church provides some snacks in the Fellowship Hall. We need volunteers to sign up and pick out the food each week. If you'd like to volunteer, sign up on the white board in the Fellowship Hall.
Each week between services we invite you to stick around and make some friends. From 10am to 11am on Sundays the church provides some snacks in the Fellowship Hall. We need volunteers to sign up and pick out the food each week. If you'd like to volunteer, sign up on the white board in the Fellowship Hall.
Smiths Donations
You can now link your smiths grocery member card to help first b without losing you fuel points. Just click HERE, set up your account (or use the one you have) and search for Organization Number PR557. Every time you use your card at checkout you help contribute to the church!
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Our Worship
With all we are loving God and loving people through Christ. We are a community of people who come from different backgrounds and situations, but we all come together pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus and with each other.
We invite you to one of our Worship Services to experience the love of Christ.
Where: 90 West Kelly (Corner of Cache and Kelly), Jackson, WY 83001
Mailing Address:
First Baptist Church
PO Box 1167
Jackson, WY 83001
Phone: 307-733-3706